• Our Lady of Victory Catholic School
    Crusader Cart

    The OLVCS Crusader Cart is a mobile "school store" where students may purchase school supplies, snacks, and a limited number of Spirit Wear items.  The Crusader Cart is open from 7:30 AM -7:55 AM on most Thursdays when school is in session.  The schedule below shows the location of the cart on a given date.

    For more information about the Crusader Cart check out the flyer below or contact Mrs. Heather McQueary at mcquearyh@olvcs.org.

    For information about periodic Spirit Wear Sales, go to www.olvcatholicschool.org/spiritwear

    NOTE: If there are scheduling changes due to weather (eg. 2 hour delay) or other factors, the Crusader Cart will not operate as posted below.  

Crusader Cart News

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