• Our Lady of Victory Catholic School
    Advisory Committees

    Each year parents and guardians of OLVCS students serve on a variety of committees that advise the school administration.  Below are descriptions of active committees.  Parents and guardians interested in serving on a one of these groups should contact the school principal.

    Athletic Council
    The purpose of the Athletic Council is to assist the OLVCS administration in fulfilling the mission of the Church through the athletic programs of Our Lady of Victory Catholic School.  The Council is a consultative body which, in fulfilling this mission, cooperates with and is guided by any legal, Diocesan, or parish directives or policies which regulate the conduct of athletics at the school.  

    Fine Arts Committee
    The purpose of the Fine Art Committee is to assist the OLVCS administration in fulfilling the mission of the Church through the fine arts programs of Our Lady of Victory Catholic School.  The committee is a consultative body which, in fulfilling this mission, cooperates with and is guided by any legal, Diocesan, or parish directives or policies which regulate the conduct of fine arts program at the school.

    School Council
    The purpose of the Council is to assist the Pastor in fulfilling the mission of the Church through the education program of the school. The Council is a consultative body which, in fulfilling this mission, cooperates with and is guided by any legal or Diocesan directives or policies which regulate the conduct of Catholic education on the elementary and middle school levels.

    The Council develops and evaluates the policies by which the school's program is designed, implemented, and evaluated. The Council is responsive to, and collaborates with, all the parishes sending children to the school, as well as other councils and committees within the parish or school. 

    Technology Committee
    The purpose of this committee is to offer support and recommendations to the Technology Coordinator and administration in the area of computers and technology.  Membership is open to all parents and parishioners with an interest and expertise in this area.