• Our Lady of Victory Catholic School
    2024 Walk-A-Thon Donation 


    Thank you for supporting Catholic education by making a donation to the OLVCS Walk-A-Thon!  Your financial contribution is vital to the success of this year's school-wide and classroom-specific activities and improvements. All donations are tax-deductible.

    For questions regarding making a donation, contact the OLV Director of Development at development@olvcs.org.

Online Donation

  • To make a donation using your credit card or debit card, use the links below to navigate to our online donation site. This is the school's preferred method for donations for the Walk-A-Thon.

    NOTE: When you make your donation online with your credit card, you will receive an email receipt within a few minutes from FACTS, the online payment processing company. Your donation may be registered on your credit card statement in a variety of ways.  For example, one company lists it as "FACTS SCHOOL, Lincoln, NE."  How your "charge" is listed depends on your credit card company.  Because we use a third party (FACTS) to process the payments, it will NOT be listed as "Our Lady of Victory Catholic School."

Donation by Check

  • To make your donation by check, please make out the check to "OLVCS" and include "Walk-A-Thon" on the memo line.

    If making a contribution in honor of an OLVCS family or student also include the OLVCS family name also on the memo line.

    In order to ensure that your donation is properly recorded, please include the business sponsor form or the individual/family donation form with your check.

    Send your donation directly to:

    Our Lady of Victory Catholic School
    800 Westerly Parkway
    State College, PA 16801
    Attn: Walk-A-Thon

Cash Donation

  • All cash donations should be enclosed in an envelope marked "Walk-A-Thon."  If the donation is being made to honor a OLVCS student/family, please, include the OLVCS student/family name on the envelope.  

    In order to ensure that your donation is properly recorded, please include the business sponsor form or the individual/family donation form with your donation.

    Donations should be sent directly to:

    Our Lady of Victory Catholic School
    800 Westerly Parkway
    State College, PA 16801
    Attn: Walk-A-Thon