• Parent/Guardian Involvement

    At Our Lady of Victory Catholic School, adult volunteers are one of our most valuable assets! Parent/guardian involvement is vital to community of Our Lady of Victory Catholic School.

    Research shows that that parent engagement in schools improves student achievement and reduces absenteeism.  Other studies show that students whose parents/guardians volunteer at their school earn higher grades and test scores, have better social skills, and exhibit better behavior.

    Further, the OLVCS administration believes that volunteering at the school is one of the best ways to witness how a child is doing in the classroom, get to know other OLVCS families, and see the benefits of enrollment at OLVCS. 

    Parent and guardians are needed for help in the classroom, as a committee members, or in the organization of a school-wide events.  Follow the links to learn more about volunteer opportunities at our school.  Additional opportunities to volunteer are often posted on social media and in the Prinicipal's Weekly Update. If you have any questions, feel free to contact your child’s teacher or the OLVCS office.

    NOTE: All who wish to volunteer in our school must complete the requirements noted on our Youth Protection and Clearances page.